Strengthening MCS in the Southeast Pacific
26/02/2020 - 27/02/2020
Enhancing the Knowledge Base for Cross-Sectoral Management and Ocean Governance in ABNJ of the Southeast Pacific
STRONG High Seas Workshop ‘Building Capacities for Regional Ocean Governance: Marine Genetic Resources and Area-based Management Tools’
New York, USA
10/06/2019 - 12/06/2019
STRONG High Seas Dialogue Workshop II - Africa - Science for solutions: bringing stakeholders together to improve ocean planning and governance
Cape Town, South Africa
STRONG High Seas - Towards an Effective High Seas Treaty: Building on and Strengthening Regional Ocean Governance
New York, USA
STRONG High Seas Side Event - Towards an Effective High Seas Treaty: Building on and Strengthening Regional Ocean Governance
Conference room 4, UN Headquarters