Our Work

The PROG facilitates multi-stakeholder dialogues and the development of transformative knowledge that supports integrated ocean governance approaches for marine regions. Specifically, through sharing experiences, best practices, and governance-oriented research, the PROG initiates and supports participatory learning processes across sectors, disciplines and national borders.

The PROG engages and collaborates with actors at three different scales: 1) within regions; 2) between regions; and 3) between the regional and global level.

The PROG has three focal areas:

  • The implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and of ocean related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with a focus on SDG14 “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources”. Read more about our work on the 2030 Agenda here.
  • The development and hosting of a multi-stakeholder platform on regional ocean governance, the Marine Regions Forum. Read more about the activities of the Marine Regions Forum here.
  • The conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Read more about our work on high seas governance and the STRONG High Seas project here.