The following list presents a selection of relevant publications by the PROG and its partner institutions.
Publications and other resources from recent work of the PROG are also available here:
- Strong High Seas project
- Marine Regions Forum
Hampton, S., Cremers, K., Müller, A., Neumann, B., Rochette, J., Sciacca, A., von Pogrell, L., & Weiand, L. (2023)
Conference report
Hampton, S., Cremers, K., Müller, A., Neumann, B., Rochette, J., Sciacca, A., von Pogrell, L., & Weiand, L. (2023)
Sustainable Blue Recovery: Fostering Resilience for Marine Regions.
von Pogrell, L., Thiele, T., Unger, S., Neumann, B., Weiand, L., Tortora, P., Cremers, K., Rochette, J., Wright, G., & Müller, A.(2022)
IASS Policy Brief
Advancing Ocean Governance in Marine Regions Through Stakeholder Dialogue Processes.
Weiand, L., Unger, S., Rochette, J., Müller, A., & Neumann, B. (2021)
Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 645576. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.645576
Marine Regions Forum: An international stakeholder forum to strengthen regional ocean governance.
Neumann, B., Unger, S., Weiand, L., Rochette, J., Wright, G., & Müller, A.(2021)
Report. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau
Marine Regions Forum 2019: Achieving a healthy ocean – regional ocean governance beyond 2020.
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS); Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI); TMG – ThinkTank for Sustainability (TMG). (2020)
Conference Report
Regional Ocean Governance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward
Wright, G., and Rochette, J. (2018)
STRONG High Seas Report
Durussel, C., Wright, G., Wienrich, N., Boteler, B., Unger, S., Rochette, J. (2018)
STRONG High Seas Report
Gjerde, K., Boteler, B., Durussel, C., Rochette, J., Unger, S., Wright‚ G. (2018)
STRONG High Seas Policy Brief.
Durussel, C., Soto Oyarzún, E., Urrutia S., O. (2017)
International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, 2017, Volume 32, Issue 4, pp 635 – 671
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goal for the Oceans.
Unger, S., Müller, A., Rochette, J., Schmidt, S., Shackeroff Theisen, J., Wright, G. (2017)
IASS Policy Brief, 2017, 1
Schmidt, S., Neumann, B., Waweru Y., Durussel C., Unger S., Visbeck M. (2017)
In: International Council for Science (ICSU), 2017. A Guide to SDG Interactions: from Science to Implementation [D.J. Griggs, M. Nilsson, A. Stevance, D. McCollum (eds)].
Want to protect the oceans? Time to consider the wider world of development
Unger, S. and Neumann, B. (2017)
World Economic Forum, 02 June 2017
Focus on Interactions to Make the SDGs a Success: Our Key Messages for the Ocean Conference
Stevance, A.-S., Unger, S., Neumann, B. (2017)
IISD SDG Knowledge Hub, 05 June 2017
Partnering for a Sustainable Ocean: The Role of Regional Ocean Governance in implementing SDG14.(Summary for Decision Makers)
Wright, G., Schmidt, S., Rochette, J., Shackeroff, J., Unger, S., Waweru, Y., Müller, A. (2017)
Billé, R., Chabason, L., Drankier,P. , Molenaar, E. J. , Rochette, J. (2016)
UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 19
Capacity Development for Oceans, Coasts, and the 2030 Agenda.
Shackeroff Theisen, J. M., Atkinson, S. R., Awad, A., Beaudoin, Y., Canals, P., Durussel, C., Edwards, P. E. T., Gombos, M., Hornidge, A.-K., Lameier, M., Nakamura, T., Philibotte, J., Porsché, I., Pratt, C., Robertson, L. F., Schwab, P., Unger, S., Winter, A. (2016)
IASS Policy Brief, 2016, 3
High seas fisheries: what role for a new international instrument?
Wright, G., Rochette, J., Blom, L., Currie, D., Durussel, C., Gjerde, K., Unger, S. (2016)
IDDRI Studies, 03/2016
Rochette, J., Wright, G., Gjerde, K. M., Greiber, T., Unger, S., Spadone, A. (2015)
IASS Working Paper, April 2015
Special Section: Advancing Governance of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
Houghton, K. and Rochette, J. (guest eds.) (2014)
Marine Policy, 2014, Volume 49, pp 81-194