The Marine Regions Forum launched a new Policy Brief during the United Nations Ocean Conference 2022 in Lisbon: Sustainable Blue Recovery: Fostering Resilience for Marine Regions.
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant loss of human life and degradation of public health and has increased food and nutritional insecurity and poverty. It has also had devastating impacts on maritime economies, coastal communities and livelihoods, and on institutions and processes that govern ocean use and conservation. Considering the different crises the world is faced with, socio-economic recovery efforts in response to the Covid-19 pandemic should not further amplify climate change, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss but help to address them.
The policy brief provides concrete recommendations to move from short-term emergency action to fostering long-term recovery across three key areas:
- Sustainable blue recovery for livelihoods and ocean health,
- Regional coordination and cooperation, and
- Ocean finance and funding.
Additional text boxes provide best-practice examples for blue recovery innovative blue finance.
The policy brief was informed by two Marine Regions Forum online workshops with international experts in ocean governance held in 2021. The development of the brief was made possible through funding by the Swedish Government.
The policy brief can be found here.