Strengthening Monitoring control and surveillance through a High Seas Treaty

17/11/2020 - 4:00 - 5:30


English-speaking webinar, with simultaneous translation in Spanish on Zoom

The high seas treaty is expected to provide for the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs) beyond national jurisdiction, but there are significant challenges for ensuring that such areas are truly protected through effective monitoring, control and surveillance. This webinar will explore how the ongoing negotiations can strengthen Monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) and highlights how MCS can contribute to the implementation of the new instrument. In particular, speakers will illustrate how new technologies and data sharing can improve MCS and strengthen States capacity, share concrete proposals for the future international instrument, and provide insight into the current options being considered for MPA designation and implementation.

The webinar will be chaired by Glen Wright, IDDRI.
Speakers include:

  • Tony Long, CEO, Global Fishing Watch
  • Klaudija Cremers, IDDRI
  • Sophie Mirgaux, Belgian Special Envoy for the Ocean

Register here

The webinar will be public and recorded. Simultaneous Spanish-English interpretation will be available on Zoom. If you cannot log in to Zoom, this event will also be streamed live on YouTube, where you will be able to ask questions. For technical reasons, simultaneous translation will only be available on Zoom. 

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