New Publications: STRONG High Seas – Fact Sheets

The STRONG High Seas Project has published a series of fact sheets that present complex issues important to understand areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) in a condensed and simple form.

They are intended to give a wide audience an insight into the issues surrounding ocean governance and covered in the STRONG High Seas project, and to raise interest and awareness of the need to protect and sustainably manage ocean space, especially areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ).

The fact sheets also aim to raise awareness among policy and decision makers about the complex issues involved in the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in ABNJ in order to make better and more informed decisions.

The spectrum of topics covered in the fact sheets ranges from gaps, challenges and opportunities in the legal and regulatory framework for the management of human activities in ABNJ, to the current status and key pressures and threats to biodiversity, to the links between high seas biodiversity and human well-being, and possible options for the management of high seas biodiversity.

These are the fact sheets available: